Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Prediction of Winner of Maine Caucuses - Obama

Arevolutionofone Projects Obama Winner of Maine Caucuses. Based on 59% of the caucus voting returns and, although we are unable to conduct exit polls, we are also basing our projection on some creakiness in our joints that also crops up when it's about to rain, we are calling the Maine causes for Barack Obama. We planned to read chicken entrails but that would make the PETA folks go nuts. Barack Obama, according to Arevolutionofone blog, is the winner of the Maine caucuses.

Based on 59% reporting, Obama leads in state delegates 1,305 (57%) to 956 (42%) for Hillary Clinton. Here's a link to results from CNN.

With 70% reporting Obama leads 1,564 (58%) to 1,122 (41%) for Clinton.

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